ABC-Groep at Cybersec Europe 2024!
Pieter van Gelooven 04/06/2024

ABC-Groep at Cybersec Europe 2024!

ABC-Groep was once again present at the Cybersec fair at Brussels Expo.

It was great to catch up with our partners, who were present in large numbers. We spoke with Fortinet, Trend Micro, Veeam, Dell, Infinigate, and VMware, among others.

Additionally, it was a good opportunity to learn about other innovative solutions in the market. As a technology company, it is important to always stay informed about the latest trends and developments. Cybersec offers the perfect environment for this.

Since the beginning of this year, we have been actively working on the implementation of the NIS2 directive with our clients. We support companies by conducting security audits and implementing NIS2-oriented solutions. During the fair, we encountered new solutions.

Our technical colleagues also attended interesting sessions, including "Breaking the Door Down with Kindness" and "20 Minutes to Make You the Best Hacker Ever." These sessions provided valuable insights to protect our clients against hacking.

In short, the Cybersec fair was a success once again. We are already looking forward to next year!

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