The Flemish Judo Federation (VJF) officially became known as Judo Flanders (JV) on October 17, 2020. Judo Flanders is an organization that promotes, teaches, and organizes judo competitions in the Flemish region of Belgium.
To enable their trainers to access educational materials from anywhere, ABC Group has built a Progressive Web App (PWA) on top of the Umbraco CMS. Additionally, trainers can stay updated on the latest news from Judo Flanders through push notifications. More information about JV's growth model can be found here:
Progressive Web Apps (PWA's)
Progressive Web Apps, or PWAs, represent a modern approach to web development aimed at providing a more app-like experience to users while maintaining the accessibility and flexibility of traditional websites. Essentially, PWAs are websites that leverage the latest web technologies and standards to offer functionalities traditionally associated with native mobile apps.
Once downloaded, they are nearly indistinguishable from native mobile apps. PWAs are supported on both Android and iOS platforms.
Installation on the home screen
Another important aspect of PWAs is their ability to be installed on the user's device home screen, just like a native app. This is made possible by using a web app manifest, which is a JSON file that provides metadata about the app, such as the name, icon, and start URL. Once installed, PWAs launch in full-screen mode, providing users with a more immersive experience.
Push notifications, responsive and so a good alternative
PWAs offer push notifications, just like a native app, allowing them to engage users even when the app is not actively being used.
PWAs are also designed to be fast and responsive, regardless of the device or platform they are accessed from. This is achieved through techniques such as responsive design, lazy loading, and code splitting, which ensure that only the necessary resources are downloaded and rendered, resulting in faster loading times and smoother performance.
Overall, PWAs provide a compelling alternative to traditional native apps, combining the reach and accessibility of the web with the engagement and functionality of native platforms.
Umbraco CMS
The Growth Model App utilizes the Umbraco Content Management System (CMS). A CMS enables the administrator of a website to manage predefined content, thereby allowing for easy customization of the website without the intervention of a developer. We have leveraged this powerful concept during the development of the Growth Model App to enable Judo Flanders not only to adjust the content on most pages but also the structure and items of the menu itself.
With the combination of a Progressive Web App and the Umbraco CMS, Judo Flanders has a powerful environment at their disposal to easily provide content to all their trainers on any mobile device.