Custom Software

You don't always find a standard package that supports your business process. Applications can be developed tailor-made, fully in line with your own business processes. Already during the quotation phase, we analyze your request and brainstorm about the right solution. The result will be a custom-developed application that perfectly meets your needs!

Needs Analysis

We conduct interviews with the appropriate stakeholders and end users to discuss their needs. The application to be developed is fully described so that you know exactly which business processes the software will support. In an ever-changing world, it is important to periodically review these requirements during the project to ensure that the delivered application still meets your expectations.

Needs Analysis

Development with the latest technologies

The development team follows an Agile approach with daily scrums to closely monitor the development process. We employ the latest development techniques to ensure that the developed software is automatically ready for the cloud. ABC-Groep has expertise in-house to develop your application using a wide range of frameworks and programming languages (including .NET, Java, Power Automate, Umbraco, and Angular). Depending on your needs, we ensure that the application works on all your devices, including mobile, tablet, and laptop.


Through automated processes, the developed software is tested to ensure the delivered quality.


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Questions about Application development?
Contact Dave.

Dave Brouwers