Document Management Systeem
In many sectors, strict controlled management of documents is necessary. If your organization needs to comply with certain regulations (such as ISO standards, FDA CFR 21 Part 11, etc.), this will sound familiar. We have experience in setting up Document Management Systems (DMS) where various types of documents must follow specific established review and approval processes. Our DMS solution takes this administrative burden off your shoulders.
Different document types
You determine which types of documents need to be managed. For each type, you can establish specific IDs, document templates, and approval processes.

Controlled process
Define a corporate standard for the content and layout of each type of document. Automatically integrate metadata such as version number, unique ID, validity date, and others into each document.

Automatic reviews
Each document has a limited validity period. No more manual tracking in Excel sheets: our DMS solution takes care of this for you and ensures timely reviews.

Rights management
For each document type, you can flexibly configure who can fulfill which roles.

It is important to be able to determine when and by whom a certain action was taken for each step in the drafting and approval process: who created or edited a document (in great detail), who conducted a review and what was the result, who approved it on what date and time, etc.? This history must be accessible at all times, even for previous versions of documents.
Access rights
In a controlled DMS, it's important that not every user can simply modify documents. Access rights are automatically assigned based on the status of documents and the role of a user. Moreover, these rights can also depend on the department of the user, a categorization of the document, the type of document, or other properties.